Your reviewer makes a snap judgement within a few seconds of opening up your proposal to read - and the first thing they see is your specific aims page. If you don't have a compelling "story", then it is much less likely you will get the attention and interest of reviewers needed for their support.
This challenge is to avoid the last minute rush, and get your Aims page in shape now!
Access to the full Grant Dynamo 3 Level 1 Course
* Learn an easy-to-follow method based on analyzing what worked in successful proposals
Weekly accountability and coaching call
* Keep on track and moving forward
* Get questions answered and see examples LIVE from the class
* Weekly Calls run June 21st - August 13th. Recordings are available if you miss some.
Feedback on your progress through the course worksheets.
* You turn them in, we review them
* We'll select a few of the best examples to share so you have a live guide to follow
A personal specific aims review at the end
* Get direct, incisive feedback on how it is coming together
* Schedule your review before August 31st
“ is totally true that my last R01 was the easiest grant I have ever written and it was fun. Clarity changed the grant from work to flow. It took me 3 months to lock in the specific aims but then The grant just kind of flowed out of me so easily. I actually enjoyed it!”
-- Lisann Gittner, Researcher
The Grant Dynamo 3, Level 1 course is the culmination of a decade of work training researchers in the US and across the globe how to write more compelling stories. Many grant writing services out there write your grant for you - but that’s not what we do. Rather, we empower clients with the knowledge and tools of how to write a specific aims page. GD3 presents the step-by-step framework of the "Grant Story Funnel". At each step, you're given details and examples about the function that part of the story has, and how to do it effectively. You're given exercises (with worksheets) you can use each time you start a new proposal, to walk you step by step through the process, until you master it.
However, all of these new materials can be overwhelming for some. It’s natural to have a lot of questions - and to desire some sort of check-in or feedback as you ask yourself: “Am I implementing these concepts correctly? Is my hook catchy? Does my story create both desire and trust?”
During the Summer of Specific Aims, we’re here to help answer your questions. Starting in mid-June, our summer program will walk you through the Grant Dynamo 3, Level 1 course with the ultimate goal of helping you craft a Specific Aims page!
“Morgan has given me back my enthusiasm for writing grants - rather than blame the system, I have something I can actually make a difference with.”
-- Yalda, London, UK
Learn all the steps to master the art of proposal writing!
"In the past two years since I took Grant Dynamo, I have had one R01 funded (7%) and another one very close to the payline. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge - it has made a world of difference for me!"
-- Evelien B.
A fully annotated example library with 13 examples and counting, each with a video walkthrough. Examples include R01, R03, NSH, MIRA and more.
After the summer is over, you'll still have access to all your course content plus one year of monthly Q&A Calls with our grant writing coaches.
Additional bonus lessons address topics of interest, including "The Structure of Persuasion", "Rigor and Reproducibility", "10 Secrets to a Great Talk", "Offense vs. Defense" and more.
Discover how you can power-charge your success by examining your thinking in these short reports.
- “The Missing Step in Writing a Killer Grant Proposal”
- "Positive Emotional Control"
- The Hardest Decision: When faced with the question of “Am I ready to submit?”, turn here for answers
Thank you for your interest in the program but it is now closed for enrollment. You can email us at [email protected] if you're interested in learning about other upcoming and ongoing programs.
“Hi Morgan, I am not sure if you got my previous email, where I let you know that I got 4% on my last RO1. Today I learned that I got also 4% on my R21! So thank you again. You may use my example that even from a “bad” stubborn student you can make quite successful grant writer. Thank you again,"
-- Katerina Gurova
“Morgan Giddings online grant writing courses have totally changed my views on grant writing;
I now enjoy the process, and I am able to help my lab members improve their grants.”
-- Ane Laugen
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