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8AM-3:15 PM Pacific (2PM Friday)
9AM-4:15 PM Mountain (3PM Friday)
10AM-5:15 PM Central (4PM Friday)
11AM-6:15 PM Eastern (5PM Friday)
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Creator of the Grant Dynamo and Grant Foundry
Author of Four Steps to Funding
Dr. Morgan Giddings brought in over $23M in grant funding leading up to and as an Associate professor at UNC Chapel Hill. Now, she is the creator of programs and courses like Grant Dynamo, Grant Foundry, and the Research Success Alliance - all designed to help research doctors and scientists reduce overwhelm and frustration while increasing career satisfaction and grant funding. After working with 100's of clients from the world's top research institutions, she observed repeating patterns of what works and what doesn't when it comes to constructing a Powerful Grant Story, and is excited to share the strategy more widely.
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